Sunday, August 19, 2012

Politics and Other Events Issue 9


In a vast planet known as Earth, variety strikes the different age groups with joy and deceivableness,  we realize that even though in a world with tragedy and suffering, these varieties of children can find happiness in even the most little places, but of course- the varieties vary.
The world is filled with poverty when just few of these age groups understand that the real problem is not the people, but the people's leader.
The leader tries to cover up the scene by telling this unique age group who understands what they want to hear, by putting a lie in a truth, creating  a half truth, infecting the youth's group.

The youth's first reaction is to believe the half-truth, to absorb it more than the leader thought he could.
He takes this half-truth so closely to himself, he realizes that it is not true, but a half-truth.

"...our youth, oh youth, are being seduced by the greedy hands of the politics and...half-truths."

Is this what we want?
Is this what we need?

Ahead of his time...ahead of his true lyrics meaning....
Matt Johnson predicted, we are the beaten generation.......

Thanks for reading!

Friday, August 17, 2012

It's here!!!

The new website has arrived!!!

A very exciting announcement indeed!!

Be sure to check it out!!!

Here it is

Thursday, August 16, 2012

New Blog Coming Very Soon

Many New Exciting Things are coming your way!

That's right!! Many new things that are currently under development and will be available to the public world very soon(HOPEFULLY, LOL)!!

I am currently creating new things that will be uploaded soon. It will re-introduce everything.

The reason I couldn't make new issues of my Weekly series Politics and Other Events is because I have been very busy persuading bands to come back and perform live again,(lol, and am still trying!)

When these new things come, I will be back to the basis of writing new issues of PAOE, and even more...

My whole world of blogging will be re-introduced.

Some of these new things will include...

-Google Sites
-New Blogs
-New HTML blog coding
-New Blogging Series

-And Even More!!

So, I plan to make a start on these upcoming projects about September 2012.
So keep up your spirits and let's hope for a soon arriving project~~~~!!!


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Politics and Other Events Issue 8

      In  a world of pain, suffering, poverty, and pollution, where is real happiness? When can the man in charge step up to tell the truth? When can every man agree with each other on each view and see the real problem that lies ahead? When can we find the true light that enlightens us?
      The incumbent president Barrack Obama has currently not denied that he was in the American Socialist New Party. This is not denying the truth, but it is striking insecurity in all of the American hearts.

      When can peace fill the world? When can the wrong and the want-to-hear answers all be truly abolished and when the insecurity of the truth of one world can finally agree on finding the real light that enlightens our hearts?

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Politics and Other Events Issue 7


       As time progresses, more and more things are discovered worldwide, and more things are happening worldwide. Things big enough to spread a day-supply of happiness,- or a years-worth of sadness. As life moves forward, so does everything else. It may not seem like it, but nothing is ever left behind.
         Saying that we know very little of the circle of knowledge is a huge overstatement. Saying that we barely know barely anything is an overstatement. You can't stop learning; you just can't.
         But saying that you can't regain happiness after a tragedy is wrong. Saying that you have all knowledge is false.
    You see, this is the life understated.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Politics and Other Events Issue 6


    When a Politician speaks, it seems as if he is only speaking what you want to hear. They are putting words in their mouth, promising the fix of error. But- most of the times, does he really keep his promise?
     For example, Totalitarian Adolf Hitler of Germany, 1932- 1945. The Great Depression struck the Earth like a bomb. All were affected. And this man stepped in.
      Germany took a large hit in this Economical bomb, not just because of the Great Depression. Germany was refusing to pay their war bills, and wanted more. So, Hitler took the stand and captivated the whole population of Germany.
      He promised many things; things that would fix Germany. But- they should have known better. He seized power and created one of the worst events in history- the Holocaust.

This tells the truth about lies.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The NEW Life Of Ethan Format

Format version (v1.3)

Monday Series-None

Tuesday Series- Blog Archive

Wednesday- None

Thursday - Politics and Other Events

Friday- None

Saturday- Ethan's Choice Radio

And Sunday is closed. Sometimes the Thursday series, PAOT, will have new issues on non-Thursdays.

If you have any new Ideas for a series, or any questions or comments, post a comment below, and make sure to +1 on Google Plus!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Politics and Other Events Issue 5

What if everything the government told you.......was false?
         In WWI and WWII, propaganda was introduced back into lifestyle. What you heard..was what the government wanted to hear. And the truth- was mostly kept secret.
         With new political leaders in the world, we have more "propaganda". Things we hear might be things the government wants you to hear.  Whether it's persuading you, or opining a statement.   There's so much of this, some of the things we "positively" know are false.   Were there really world wars? If so, did we really win?   There are still many things to ask.
        America proposed a "People's Government", and it seems with all of the hidden information- it's more of a non-people's government.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Politics and Other Events Issue 4

         America is slowly changing under us. One day, once every 4 years, this nation elects one man. One man that controls the lives of over a billion people and counting. That one man makes all of the difference. Whether that difference is bad, or whether it's good. He has changed the way America progresses throughout our whole lives.
          He takes America under his perspective, and makes the changes he feels as best for the country. Sometimes, those choices are wonderful, and help us. Sometimes those choices can be bad, or even break the Constitution.
          When he takes the oath of being in his position, he is taking the oath that he shall do his best to serve America. He shall do his best to help make it a better place. But sometimes- the people with this position take the credit and glory and steal it for themselves.
           When we are electing a new man for this job, we look for who is best. Whether he's Democratic, or whether he's Republican. Whether we're Democratic, Republican, or Independent. We pick the guy we're comfortable with, and the man we feel is the man right for the job.
           Sometimes that man goes under a lot of pressure when he enters office. Sometimes he is assigned tough tasks, and doesn't complete them too well, so he is under quite a mess. Sometimes he enters when the economy is terrible, or there is a crisis going on in another country. But somehow, someway- he could pull through it.
          The man who takes this job, is the President of the United States of America.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April News Archive #1

    Well, I haven't really posted any new material since, well because of illness and family. So starting this coming Tuesday, I am once again bringing up Politics and Other Events series for new issues every Tuesday and Friday, and new songs for Ethan Choice's radio every Saturday. Expect new things!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Ethan's Choice Radio vol.3

Volume 3 of my radio station. Had strep throat past days, so I couldn't really have any acclimation to any kind of gadgets.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Ethan's Choice Radio vol.2

Everyday I will add a new song to my new radio station, "Ethan's Choice". here is volume 2.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Ethan's Choice Radio vol.1

Volume One of my new Radio Station. It will always be on the right of the page.

Friday, March 23, 2012

The Shots of Seal Beach

Here are shots I took at Seal Beach with an old Kodak camera. Pretty good.

Politics and Other Events Issue 3


Everyone has different views. Different perspectives of things, different personalities. Different Political views, different looks, and so many more differences. We have seemed to accept these differences for thousands of years. At points there were either arguments, murders, and other tragedies. And there still are today. But, many people in the world are still not accepting people for who they are.
Slavery started in America in the 1600's, and spread throughout the world. It was a sick, terrible thing. The only reason for slavery was of people's skin. Just one trait seemed to make all of the difference.
Not until the 1860's this controversy was fixed. But then- we faced a greater issue- equal rights. Blacks were no longer in slavery, They were treated badly. Others treated them like a different species, like they weren't human. They were hopeless, beaten, and even killed. Then one corageous man took the stand and brought hope- Martin Luther King, Jr.
People everyday are being discriminated just because of being different. Every single day. We must all take the initiative and stick up, and show that it is okay to be different- with a different political view, different personality, different anything- wether it is a good or bad choice- gambling problems, mental issues, being smart- you are who you are, and that is you. Stand up for who you are. No matter what difference you have.

Politics and Other Events Issue 2

Recently,(aout 3 days ago while preparing for this issue), I viewed Invisible Children's newest 30 minute documentary on Kony titled "KONY 2012". It wasn't too long, and not too short. I thought it was the perfect length. Anyways, it was about Joseph Kony and the rise of his army, the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA).
According to Russell, the foundation's founder and current owner, Kony has been kidnapping over 46,000 African children and been putting them into war. He has turned the little girls into sex slaves, and the boys into war. Russell also mentioned that he is doing this for no cause. Kony has been doing this sick-minded act for over 26 years. The problem is- he's changing tactics.
We all have remembered the terrible 9-11 attacks in New York, and the cause, and of course the effect. It was because of Al-Qaeda thinking of America as "bad people". The effect was a wake-up call to America. A wake up call saying that we can stick together in the toughest times, and we can pull through and leave the bad things behind, while still honoring the unfortunate and the heroes. But Kony has no cause. He is not "jealous" of other countries. And when, or 'if' he is taken out of power, what will the moral
, or the effect, be? What lesson will be learned?
Invisible people are expecting the US Government to take care of this situation. I believe that Invisible Children are not thinking the whole event through enough. They are looking at only the pros. If we take Kony out of power, will someone even worse take power of his previous position? Take Al-Qaeda for example. The moment Osama Bin Laden was killed, someone worse took his position. And what are the Invisible Children expecting? Are they trying to save the kids? How will it work when the kids are the troops? Can you imagine our troops, taking the innocent lives of kids forced to do this intolerable act just to take 1 man out of one position?
We've all heard the saying "one man makes all the difference." And it is true, in this scenario. One man has supposedly kidnapped and controlled 46,000 kids. One man has created a world-known scenario. One man- has caught attention of the world, and will be known forever, with the others who have made a good or bad difference: Gailelo, Thomas Edison, Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong, Mother Teresa and many, many more.
Recently, Jason Russell, the founder, and current owner of Invisible Children Inc., got arrested. He was arrested for public nudity. He is in the hospital because of a supposed 'mental illness'. That goes to show that he might be crazy.
Is Kony really real? Is Osama Bin Laden really dead? Are what people of great interest say really true? For example, the US Government. They hide many things, and could lie for reasons. But one defender of the government could give a defending reason. When something true said is told to the government, they could say it is false to calm down the people. And tax is basically more money for the government. So could Invisible Children be doing this just for money? Wasting time with false propaganda?
Invisible Children only donate 31% of donations towards their 'cause'. If Russell is so dedicated to his cause, how come he is putting less than half of his time and money towards his 'charity'? Lots of people in his organisation are giving 100% of their time and money towards this, when Russell should be the the one doing it. 31%. That's less than half. Coincidence, right? Government's tax just for money? Could this just be for money? Could this really be happening, but he is just informing people and taking all of the money, while others actually donating for it, are really just giving Russell money? We might just never know.
So basically- could Invisible Children just be a charity to 'donate' indulgence to Russell?

We just may- or may never know.

Politics and Other Events Issue 1

              Here is issue 1 of  a  new series called  "Politics and Other Events". This issue is about the Utah Caucus I attended Thursday, March 15. They gave information at first. We did a prayer, and then the chairman introduced himself. He then put up positions for candidates.
               First one was Chairman. The current chairman was nominated. That was it, So obviously he was chairman.

      Then, the position for Vice Chairman was open. 3 or 4 people were nominated. It was interesting.

        Then, they opened state delegate positions, and about 6 or 7 were nominated and 3 won.
Then was county delegates. 3 won.
That was basically it. It was very interesting.

About the Blog

Welcome to my Blog Everyone!

This blog just records monthly news archives and weekly issues of "Politics and Other Events'. New issues of that every Tuesday and Thursday. I'll transfer 3 issues from my other website to here. Probably in the near future there may be other article series....... thanks for reading!